Bespoke Fashion
Joe Average is a long-time Vancouver artist who was looking for a suit that fit his body and communicated his authentic style.

an interview with joe average
Tell us who you are and a little bit about yourself. Who you are and what do you do? Share your story with us.
Joe Average R.C.A., C.C.A., M.G.C., O.B.C.
I am a 64 y.o. Vancouver-based self taught artist. In the 1970’s I started exploring drawing and photography. In 1984, I was diagnosed with HIV, prompting me to put my aspirations into action by making a living from my artwork. Using vivid colours and bold lines as structural elements, I created highly stylized paintings. In 2010 I started photographing again creating a series of self-portraits to document my struggles with lipoatrophy, a condition caused by the drugs I need to stay alive
How did you first learn about Modernize Tailors?
At the beginning of the pandemic I made a public declaration on Social Media, that if I was still alive when this was all over I was going to have a proper fitting suit made. My old friend Beverli Barnes contacted me and said, “Contact Modernize Tailors. They make the best suits!"
Tell us about your first suit with Modernize? Why is this suit special to you?
My first suit ended up becoming two suits. I chose one suit in pinstripe and one in a window pane pattern, both with the identical grey backgrounds. I did this so that I could mix, and match and get four suits out of two.
I have a condition called lipoatrophy, which eats all your body fat. I lost 50 pounds and am now a 91 lb, 64 year old man. These suits are special to me because they are the first suits that fit me properly
As an artist, tell us your influences and why they inspire you?
As a teenager my Grandmother introduced me to First Nations art. I loved the simplicity of the images, the graciousness of the lines, curves, and the emotional impact of the bright simple primary colours. I then discovered the “Pop Art” of Warhol, Lichtenstein and Peter Max. I was inspired that these fun and colourful images could be presented seriously on canvas as art.
Off-the-rack versus Modernize?
MODERNIZE!!! Once you go Modernize there is no looking back!
Will you recommend your friend to Modernize? Why?
Yes. Mia is such a lovely, kind, and professional woman. She makes sure that your entire experience is perfect.
What's your next project with Modernize?
Modernize is in the process of creating two linen suits for me. They are also making a cashmere overcoat for me.
Any special project/ charity info you would like to share with our audience.
At present we are selling a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle with partial proceeds benefitting P.A.L. Vancouver. P.A.L. is an organization whose mission is to provide long-standing members of Metro Vancouver’s performing arts professions with affordable housing in a vibrant and creative community setting.
Please share with our audience where to find you.